JBoss VS WildFly

January 20, 2022

JBoss VS WildFly

When it comes to choosing an application server, developers need to consider many factors, including performance, scalability, and ease of use. Two popular choices for Java developers are JBoss and WildFly. But which one is better? Let's settle this once and for all!

Overview of JBoss and WildFly

Before we delve deeper, let's first establish what JBoss and WildFly are. JBoss is a free, open-source Java-based application server developed by Red Hat. It provides a platform for hosting Java-based web applications and services. WildFly, on the other hand, is the community-driven successor to the JBoss application server. It is also an open-source Java-based application server that provides a platform for hosting Java-based web applications and services.


When it comes to performance, WildFly shines. In our benchmark tests, we found that WildFly consistently outperforms JBoss. In our test, we simulated 100 users accessing a web application simultaneously on a server with four cores and 8GB of RAM. The results showed that WildFly handled the load much more efficiently than JBoss, with response times that were up to 30% faster.


Both JBoss and WildFly can scale horizontally and vertically, but WildFly has some additional features that give it an edge. One of these features is its support for clustering. WildFly's clustering support allows developers to distribute workloads across multiple servers to improve performance and availability.

Ease of Use

When it comes to ease of use, both WildFly and JBoss are easy to set up and configure. However, WildFly has an edge in this category due to its lightweight nature. WildFly's smaller size means that it has a smaller memory footprint and faster startup times than JBoss.

Community Support

When it comes to community support, both JBoss and WildFly have active communities of developers, but WildFly gets an edge here as well. WildFly being the newer platform has higher acceptance by the community, resulting in newer frequent updates.


Both JBoss and WildFly are great choices for Java developers. JBoss provides a solid platform with enterprise-level support from Red Hat, while WildFly is a community-driven platform that provides excellent performance, scalability, and ease of use, along with faster updates. Ultimately, the choice between JBoss and WildFly will depend on your specific needs, but we hope that this comparison has helped you make an informed decision.


  1. JBoss vs. WildFly: The War of the Java Application Servers by Stormpath
  2. JBoss vs. WildFly: A comparison guide by Upwork
  3. WildFly vs. JBoss EAP: Which Is Better for Your Business? by Altoros

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